Reunion 2002

The Banquet

The 13th Annual C-7A Caribou Association Banquet

The CRB Gang — Jerry Presley, Al Cunliffe, Stoney Faubus, and Steve Lentz
Evonda, Shirley, Melva, and Sandy
Hey guys, how come those wives look so much better than you do?

Charlie and group

Dave and Jill Hutchens and group

Standing room only at the bar
Steve Kelley, Earl Reynolds, and Robert "Hop" Hopkins

Mike Nassr and our Marine guests, Doc and Chuck

The blinding object in the foreground is, I believe, the back of Wayne
Delawter's head.   To his left are Patty Delawter and Robert "Hop" Hopkins.

At the back center is Bob Davis, with Steve Kelley and his
new bride to the right.

Here's a bunch to keep your eye on; from left to right
Jim Elder, Peter Bird, Larry Gill, Paul Phillips, and Christine Phillips

The only one I'm sure of is Jim Collier at the back

Earl and Pam Reynolds at the rear and Wayne and Pattie Delawter
with their backs to the camera

This appears to be a group of those 537th rowdies

Al and Shirley Cunliffe, Melva Faubus, Sandy and Steve Lentz,
Jerry and Evonda Presley (backs to camera)

Christine Phillips doing the 183rd drawing of the evening!

The World Famous Caribou Cake


13 Jan 2009 05:53 PM