2005 Business Meeting


C-7A Caribou Association 2005 General Membership Meeting
May 13, 2005

  1. The meeting was called to order by President Bob Markham at 2000 hours, with 92 members present.
  2. Chaplain Jon Drury gave the invocation.
  3. Election of officers: There were no nominations from the floor, so the ballot was approved by acclamation: President Bob Markham, Vice President Peter Bird, Treasurer Jim Collier, Secretary Wayne Delawter, and Board Members at large; Al Cunliffe, Kelly Grissom and Terry Obermiller. At a subsequent meeting of the new Board, Al Cunliffe was elected Chairman of the Board. (Complete information and photos here)
  4. The minutes from the 2004 meeting, as posted on the web site were approved.
  5. Financial report was given by Treasurer Bob Dugan. Motion and second to approve was passed.
  6. Past COB Jim Collier gave a summary report on Board action items and the purchase of Caribou merchandise.
  7. New business: a motion was made by Jim Davis, 537th to honor members who served in WWII. The motion was seconded and passed. Bob Cooper 458th, Bob Davis 457th, Joe Faulkner 535th, Milt Golart 457th and Herb Holdner 537th stood too accept a rousing applause. Pictures will be posted on the web page shortly.
  8. President Bob Markham announced that the daughter of Capt. Wayne Bundy 537th was attending as the guest of honor. Wayne was lost on 3 Oct 1968.
  9. Motion to adjourn at 2028, seconded and passed.
  10. Chaplain Bob Davis gave the benediction.

C-7A Caribou Association
For the Secretary
Jim Collier, Treasurer


13 Jan 2009 05:58 PM