Caribou Association

The 2013 Bench Dedication

Event Details

At 1400 on 21 June 2013 we will dedicate our memorial bench at the Air Force Enlisted Heritage Hall (AFEHH). AFEHH is located at the Gunter Annex to Maxwell AFB: 550 McDonald Street, Bldg 1210, Montgomery, AL 36114. Phone is 334-416-5321. The AFEHH is the only place of its kind in the Air Force. This unique facility reveals the story of our enlisted force’s contribution to the development of military aviation in America.

The Heritage Hall began in 1983 by the Commandant of the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, CMSgt Bobby Renfroe. His dream was to preserve, protect, and tell the accomplishments of the Air Force enlisted corps. That vision grew from a simple display in the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy lobby to its current state, an official Air Force historical center that boasts a 10,000 square foot interactive facility dedicated to capturing the innovation, patriotism, leadership, and heroism of stripe wearing airmen. The Enlisted Heritage Hall has been dubbed "A Place of Honor" with good reason.

Why is the Enlisted Heritage Hall important? The answer has several parts. Through their endless pursuit of facts and figures, the staff ensures the accomplishments of America’s enlisted Airmen will never be forgotten. This serves as a motivational tool for tomorrow’s Airmen. By assisting Professional Military Educators with curriculum development, they play a vital part in educating current and future defenders of the United States. With over 25,000 visitors each year, the Enlisted Heritage Hall showcases enlisted accomplishments to visitors and dignitaries from around the world. Finally, the hall itself provides every visitor with a sense of pride, accomplishment, and patriotism that will stay with them forever.

Our bench is located at a prominent location where visitors will be attracted to it and to the First Sergeants’ statues near it.

If you plan on attending, please reply to me ASAP so I will have an idea about how many seats will be needed to accommodate our group. This is a significant activity in the history of the C-7A Caribou Association, so I hope you will attend, especially if you live within driving distance of the Gunter Annex. It is a reasonable day trip if you live in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, or Tennessee.

Pat Hanavan


Revised: 06 Jun 2013 03:09 PM

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